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Australians demand stronger health and pollution labels for gas appliances, as new report reveals gas industry keeping us hooked on expensive, polluting and unhealthy appliances

As the 2024 season of MasterChef Australia has just wrapped up, Environment Victoria and Comms Declare have today reiterated their calls to drop the program’s gas sponsorship, releasing a new report showing how the gas industry has been working against the interests of Victorian energy users and new polling showing most Australians support health warnings and energy labelling on gas appliances.

The report A Pipeline of Profits shows how the Australian gas lobby is actively working against moves to clean up and electrify Victoria’s energy network, while resisting attempts to add transparency and regulation to its own industry to the detriment of everyday consumers’ health and the climate, Environment Victoria said today.

Among its key findings, the report reveals how a group of gas industry lobbying groups have consistently resisted government efforts to give consumers greater transparency and lower costs through energy ratings systems, while spruiking hydrogen as a transition fuel when in reality the idea that Victorian homes will be connected to a hydrogen network is a complete fantasy.

YouGov polling commissioned by climate communications group, Comms Declare found 73% of voters support health warnings on gas appliances and 63% want eco labels on appliance advertisements – not just in stores.

Belinda Noble, Founder of Comms Declare said: “Consumers are crying out for clear information on how to save money, protect their health and reduce emissions – and they want that information online where they make their purchasing decisions.”

“We call on the state and federal governments to give consumers the real truth about the risks of gas appliances, by mandating comprehensive pollution labels on all their ads and websites.”

The report also finds that while the damaging health impacts of exposing Australian families to naked gas flames in our homes has recently come to light – including studies showing gas cooktops can increase the risk of child asthma by 42% with children in low socio-economic homes at even greater risk – the gas industry continues to spin dubious claims and actively resists attempts to regulate its industry.

The groups, including the ​​Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association of Australia (GAMAA), Australian Gas Networks (AGN), the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) and the Australian Gas infrastructure Group (AGIG) are actively working against the environmental, health and hip-pocket interests of Victorian consumers, said Environment Victoria’s Senior Climate and Energy Adviser Dr Kat Lucas-Healey.

“The gas lobby has been spinning delay tactics for decades and it’s time to call them out. With gas appliances out of our homes, our health, bank accounts and climate we’ll all be better off.”

“The Masterchef sponsorship is just the latest in a long line of cynical tactics to keep Australians shackled to gas. The truth is that the days of cheap gas are long gone. It’s time to electrify and enjoy lower bills and healthier homes – not wait for ‘renewable gas’ fantasies that will never arrive.”

Read the report A Pipeline of Profits here

Read the YouGov polling data here