Reducing demand for the largest SUVs, Utes and American-style trucks would reduce air pollution, sickness and greenhouse gas emissions.
Join hundreds of marketing, PR, advertising and media professionals that have declared for the climate.
These are companies recognised as having policies that are not consistent with a safe climate, and their lobby groups. Also see the list of agencies that work with major polluters.
Get up to date information about Australia’s largest (Scope 1) greenhouse gas polluters at the Clean Energy Regulator. Track the 22 biggest polluters in the resources sector with Climate Works Net Zero Momentum Tracker. Market Forces names 23 companies out of line with climate action.
In New Zealand, the latest emissions data can be found on the EPA website.
AGL Energy
Alinta Energy
Ampol Australia
Anglo American
APA Group
Asia Natural Gas & Energy Association (ANGEA)
Australian Energy Producers (APPEA)
Beach Energy
Bravus (Adani)
Bunbury Energy
Carnavon Petroleum
The Chamber of Minerals & Energy of Western Australia (CMEWA)
Cooper Energy
CS Energy
Energy Australia Holdings
Energy Networks Australia
ExxonMobil Australia
Institute of Public Affairs (IPA)
InterGen (OzGen)
Low Emissions Technology Australia (LETA)
Malabar Coal
Minerals Council of Australia (MCA)
Mobil Oil New Zealand
New Hope Group
NSW Mining
Origin Energy
OzGen Holdings (InterGen Energy)
Peabody Australia
Queensland Resources Council
Rio Tinto
Senex Energy
Shell (Viva Energy)
South 32
South Australian Chamber of Mines & Energy
Stanwell Corporation
Viva Energy Group
Whitehaven Coal
Z Energy
Disclaimer: We aim to keep this list as up to date and accurate as possible. To request changes, please email hello@commsdeclare.org.
Authorised by B.Noble, Comms Declare